THE SYSTEM: A meal cooking device. Three design configurations are available:
1. Box type
2. Steam Cooking Systems
3. Dish Type
BENEFICIARY: Every willing person.
Steam cooker is for large kitchen (for 500 people). Proposed number of cookers to be installed in Kargil is around 5,500 & 10 steam cooking systems.
1. 350 Nos. of cookers already installed.
2. 350 Nos. of cookers are under installation.
3. Remaining will be installed before December 2013.
ADVANTAGES: Suitable for all the residences Preparation of meal in less time.
It would help village mitigate the fuel problems particularly in winter months.
Total Nos. of Cookers to be
installed by KREDA before
Dec. 2013
Price of Single Item Before Subsidy
Price Of Single Item After Subsidy
(Beneficiaries Have To Pay)