Kargil has natural advantage of having lots of sunshine in the winter months. Based on this KREDA as per MNRE directions introduced the idea of building Improved Green House in the district. This technique is simple because all the required materials, except the polythene sheet and iron angles, are locally available.
Improved Green House is designed to maximize the capture of solar energy during the day, while minimizing heat loss at night.
THE SYSTEM : Solar Green House For producing vegetables for home consumption and market. Constructed facing south with a polythene cover to receive maximum sunlight. Insulated back and side walls. Equipped with ventilation system to control the inner atmosphere.
Two standard sizes of Green Houses are there: Normal Domestic Type {size=14’x28’}. The Large Commercial Type {18’x58’}.
Domestic Type :
The cost fixed by MNRE GOI as a benchmark for a single Green house is Rs.23000 but 50% support will be from MNRE i.e. KREDA
(in terms of supplying the beneficiary with polythene sheet, one door set, one window set and one ventilator set and also a cheque of Rs.2500).
The total no. of DGHs to be constructed by KREDA .is as under:-
No of DGH Completed by end of November 2012
3000 No.s (Domestic green houses)
Commercial Type :
Actual price is nearly about Rs.2, 75,000 but again the agency will be contributing 50% of the cost.
The total no. of CGHs to be constructed by KREDA .is as under:-
No of Commercial Green houses Completed by end of November 2012.
10 No.s
ADVANTAGES Provides fresh vegetables in the winter months. Locally produced vegetables are available at lower prices. Economic/living standard of local people can be improved. One most important benefit is that the local Green House vegetables are gradually replacing the imported vegetables which are brought in by
truck or airplane. This avoids the greenhouse gas emissions associated with transport.